Nebraska Homeschool

Boy Scouts Pack and Troop 26 To Publications / Articles - Boy Scouts Pack and Troop 26

Posted 8/1/18

Boy Scout Pack and Troop 26 would like to invite you to an open house on August 21, 7pm, at the Chalco Hills' Recreation Shelter! Come to meet our leaders and learn about all that Scouting can offer you!

A few facts about us:

*We are a Christian, homeschool, all-boy Pack/Troop.

*We meet on Tuesday nights, from 7pm-8:30pm.

*We meet at Chalco Hills during the summer.

*We meet at Southwest Church of Christ after Labor Day.

*We love having fun, learning amazing things, and making memories!


You can sign up right now at:

Pack 26 -

Troop 26 -