Nebraska Homeschool

Chadron State College - Scholastic Competition To Publications / Articles - Chadron State College - Scholastic Competition

Posted 3/5/20

My name is Jennifer Mendyka and, on behalf of the Chadron State College Scholastic Contest Committee, I am trying to get the word out to homeschoolers about the CSC Scholastic Contest.

The Scholastic Contest is a proud and honored CSC tradition which recognizes the academic achievements of our area high schools students. Participating high school students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their skills and talents in competitive academic tests, in addition to experiencing the programs and atmosphere at Chadron State College. Seniors who compete also have the opportunity to receive a one-year tuition scholarship to CSC if they place first in any testing area.

In the past, homeschool students had to register and compete as part of their local public or private school, this year we have decided to allow homeschool students to register and compete as individuals.

The Contest will be held at Chadron State College on April 17, 2020. Registration is open until Friday, March 27, 2020. Visit for further information about the event, a listing of the testing subject matter and details about each test.

If you wish to register, please email the following information to [email protected] or call me at 308-432-6231:

Student Name
Student Grade Level
Student Shirt Size
Test Name and Time

Scholastic Contest Rules are as follows:

Contest Eligibility Rules
Eligibility: The following requirements must be met
1. The contestant shall be a bona fide student at the school represented*, doing at least passing work during the last previous semester enrolled.
o *Students who are "home-schooled" may register, test, and place as a standalone participant. Students must be enrolled less than half-time at a public school to be considered a home-schooled contestant. Any student enrolled half-time or more at a public school must participate with that particular school. Standalone participants are eligible for individual contest awards (division awards are not applicable).
2. The contestant must be enrolled in the 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade (or as a freshman - senior) at the school represented.
3. The contestant shall only be affiliated with one school.
4. The contestant shall have enrolled within the first two weeks of the semester.
5. The contestant shall not be a postgraduate student nor compete for more than four years after enrolling as a freshman. A college student enrolled for high school studies is not eligible.
6. The contestant shall not have reached their 20th birthday.
7. The contestant shall be at least 13 years of age.
8. The contestant shall be strictly amateur.
9. If eligibility is contested, the matter shall be decided by the Contest Director(s).
10. Students taking courses under college instructors for college credit will not be permitted to participate in a test in that given subject area.
11. Carefully check each test description to determine whether or not the student must be currently enrolled in the course.
12. All contestants will be accompanied by an adult sponsor representing the school or individual participant(s).
13. We strongly advise students to bring calculators to the tests. Please check the test description to see what type of calculator may be used.
All electronic devices are to be turned off and stored during exams unless otherwise indicated by the test instructor.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me, Jennifer Mendyka, at [email protected] or 308-432-6231.