Nebraska Homeschool

NEW Charlotte Mason Group (evenings) To Publications / Articles - NEW Charlotte Mason Group (evenings)

Posted 1/10/19

Invitation to a NEW evening time Charlotte Mason study:

Are you ready to grow in your understanding of the Charlotte Mason method of education and learn alongside other mothers? Join us as we enrich our and our students lives by reading through her living volumes, beginning with the study of Volume 1: Home Education.

Why? We strive to cultivate the atmosphere, discipline, and life she so beautifully describes in her life's work and invite you to the table with us.

What are we reading? Home Education, Volume 1 by Charlotte Mason.

First selection: The Preface and Part I Section I through- Part I Section VI (pp. 1-36 in the original version). You're welcome to attend even if you aren't able to finish the reading - or get stuck.

Time and location:

Where: 15311 Rock Creek Drive Omaha, NE
(Location will vary, please contact Dallas Nachtigall* for location information)

When: Friday, January 11th 7:30-9:30pm

Will be held at the same time, every second Friday of the month but location will vary.

Contact person:
*Dallas Nachtigall
via Facebook or
(402) 937-2816 - text or call
[email protected]