Posted 5/7/17
Hey, wanted to give you a heads up about the National Bible Bee coming up this summer. The National Bible Bee was started in 2009, a movement designed to encourage family discipleship in homes throughout the summer months.
What is the National Bible Bee?
There are three main elements to this summer study:
1) Discovery Journal: a Bible study that covers a book of the Bible for Summer 2017. This takes about 20 minutes per day to complete. There are different versions depending on the age of the student: Beginners age 5-6 (non-competitors), Primary age 7-10, Juniors age 11-14, Seniors age 15-18.
2) Scripture Memory: a certain number of passages of Scripture that are memorized over the summer (in the past, it has been 25 passages).
3) The National Bible Bee Qualifying Test (optional): this test is taken at the beginning of August (August 3-5). Following the test, there is a time of public Scripture recitation of passages that have been memorized over the summer and a entire family celebration. The tests are sent into the National Bible Bee competition and your child receives their national ranking and if they qualify (top 120 in each division), they are invited to the National Bible Bee Championship (Nov. 15-19, San Antonio TX).
Cost and Other Info:
It costs only $15 to register and an additional $15 for the Discovery Journal (or $5 for a PDF version). Twin Valley Church ( will be hosting weekly study sessions throughout the summer to go over the Discovery Journals and make sure the students understand what they are studying. It will also serve as a testing facility in August.
If you have any questions, feel free to visit the National Bible Bee website at You can also email Joy Folken at [email protected].
If you would like to see a National Bible Bee Championship round from 2016, see it here on Youtube: